The Born Free Foundation Limited

Born Free Foundation

About us

We are a wildlife conservation charity passionate about wild animal welfare. Support our brave runners in the fight against animal exploitation. Help us Keep Wildlife in the Wild.                             

The epic 2024 RUN WILD team is tackling this endurance challenge to raise funds for a compassionate future where animals and people co-exist and where threatened and endangered species are protected for generations to come.  RUN WILD Team - hear our ROAR of gratitude!

Make London Marathon 2024 our most successful challenge event yet. Your contribution rescues individuals from captivity and delivers meaningful impact for free-roaming wildlife and the communities that share resources.

How your gift could help:

£12 could buy health-enhancing vitamins for cheetahs rescued from the illegal wildlife trade and now cared for at the Born Free Ensessa Kotteh Rescue Centre in Ethiopia.

£26 funds one days care for a rescued lions at our sanctuary in Shamwari, South Africa: Born Free has rescued dozens of individual lions from run down zoos, circuses and the illegal pet trade.

£40 could support a Great Ape Guardian for a month in The Dja Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon.

£50 could fund vital equipment such as a first aid kit, uniform and rations for our dedicated Pride of Meru lion conservation team in Kenya

£75 could fund a one day elephant workshop aimed at transforming community attitudes towards wild animal welfare.

£1,500 funds the construction of a predator-proof SMART Boma in Amboseli Park, Kenya: an enclosure to keep livestock safe, keep communities happy and stop retaliatory attacks on lions. Just take one traditional boma built from hook-thorn acacia and introduce eco-friendly, cost-effective smart technology!

Together we make the BEST team!  Now, let’s roar for ALL the 2024 Marathon runners!

bornfreerunwild #runwild #londonmarathon2024 #londonmarathon #bornfree


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