Imago Community

Imago Community

About us

Supporting people across Kent, Medway, East Sussex and London, Imago is a charity making a real difference to peoples lives.

From 5 year old unpaid Young Carers to 95 year old Dial 2 Drive clients accessing our volunteer drivers to take them to their hospital appointments, we are here to help tens of thousands of people.

Celebrating 60 years supporting the community and connecting people, we are proud of the work we do and the people we support. You can make that possible, by supporting a fundraiser, sponsoring an event or making a donation. 

We are so thankful for your donation, it really does do good. You can choose to help the unpaid Carers; reduce isolation by contributing towards a CAMEO group; provide respite and a break from their caring role for Young Carers; give the gift of independence to an older person through sponsoring volunteer driver recruitment. The choice is yours. If you aren't sure, we can put your donation to where it's needed most.

To find out more or get in touch with us for support, visit

Thank you!

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