Alexandra's page

Alexandra DeCaluwe

Alexandra DeCaluwe

My Story

Hello! Come join me on my journey to running the London Marathon in 2024 and supporting the amazing charity MIND! 

Today, 1 in 4 people struggle with mental health and I have fallen into that statistic myself. However, my running journey has enabled me to take control of my mental health and given me confidence that I can overcome problems that I've faced and will do in the future.

But this isn't just my story; it's a call to action. I believe that everyone should have the chance to find their 'thing' to provide support in their journies — whether it's the escape found in the pages of a good book, the serenity of a swim, or the warmth of shared moments with friends. Running is my metaphor for that personal journey toward happiness and I want people to discover theirs too.

I am running in honor of my beautiful mother, who faced the shadows of mental health for many years before passing away in 2014. She inspires my every step, and I want to ensure her legacy is not just a memory but a catalyst for change, not only for me, but others too.

As I lace up my shoes for the London Marathon in April 2024, I invite you to be a part of my ongoing journey. I've chosen to support MIND, a mental health charity, because their work resonates with my Mum's story and my life. Your contribution, big or small, will make a huge impact on a great charity close to my heart. 

Thank you, 




  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Hello! Come join me on my journey to running the London Marathon in 2024 and supporting the amazing charity MIND! 

Today, 1 in 4 people struggle with mental health and I have fallen into that statistic myself. However, my running journey has enabled me to take control of my mental health and given me confidence that I can overcome problems that I've faced and will do in the future.

But this isn't just my story; it's a call to action. I believe that everyone should have the chance to find their 'thing' to provide support in their journies — whether it's the escape found in the pages of a good book, the serenity of a swim, or the warmth of shared moments with friends. Running is my metaphor for that personal journey toward happiness and I want people to discover theirs too.

I am running in honor of my beautiful mother, who faced the shadows of mental health for many years before passing away in 2014. She inspires my every step, and I want to ensure her legacy is not just a memory but a catalyst for change, not only for me, but others too.

As I lace up my shoes for the London Marathon in April 2024, I invite you to be a part of my ongoing journey. I've chosen to support MIND, a mental health charity, because their work resonates with my Mum's story and my life. Your contribution, big or small, will make a huge impact on a great charity close to my heart. 

Thank you, 
