Ataxia UK

Ben Spencer's Wheelchair Marathon

Ben Spencer

Ben Spencer

My Story

Thanks for taking the time to visit my London Marathon fundraising page. I'm Ben and I have a degenerative neurological condition called Ataxia. In February 2023 I completed a challenge to visit all 272 London underground stations and posted photos to my Instagram account @Tube.Snapper to raise awareness of Ataxia, a rare condition affecting 500 children and 10,000 adults in the UK.

Next: In June of 2023 I Climbed Mount Snowdon in 16.5 hours using my Wheelchair, Trionic Walking Machine and Adapted Walking Sticks.

Now for something Bigger… “The 2024 London Marathon” and raising more funds and awareness for Ataxia UK 

500 children and 10,000 adults in the UK have Ataxia which is a progressive neurological condition that disrupts the messages sent from our brains to our muscles that are used to move, speak, listen and see. Ataxia UK funds research into finding treatments and a cure. It provides support to people with Ataxia to help them life their best life.

UPDATE:  I compleated the Marathon in 5 Hours 36 Mins.

Ataxia UK

Raising for:

Ataxia UK


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Thanks for taking the time to visit my London Marathon fundraising page. I'm Ben and I have a degenerative neurological condition called Ataxia. In February 2023 I completed a challenge to visit all 272 London underground stations and posted photos to my Instagram account @Tube.Snapper to raise awareness of Ataxia, a rare condition affecting 500 children and 10,000 adults in the UK.

Next: In June of 2023 I Climbed Mount Snowdon in 16.5 hours using my Wheelchair, Trionic Walking Machine and Adapted Walking Sticks.

Now for something Bigger… “The 2024 London Marathon” and raising more funds and awareness for Ataxia UK 

500 children and 10,000 adults in the UK have Ataxia which is a progressive neurological condition that disrupts the messages sent from our brains to our muscles that are used to move, speak, listen and see. Ataxia UK funds research into finding treatments and a cure. It provides support to people with Ataxia to help them life their best life.

UPDATE:  I compleated the Marathon in 5 Hours 36 Mins.