Young Lives vs Cancer

Deanne Is Running 2024 London Marathon in aid of Young Lives vs Cancer



My Story

So you may ask, why on earth would someone who only just started running in June '23 , and just about finished Couch to 5K in October'23 sign up to run a marathon???

Well its simple...

  • Young Lives Vs Cancer is a charity dear to my heart, that supported my brother and the family when he was diagnosed with cancer at 14 years old!
  • After being on the sidelines and supporting my brother run not one, but two marathons - I feel its time to trade places and help raise money for this amazing charity 
  • I won't be running alone, but will be running with my mother, aunt, and family friend aka Tribe Sisters!  Group page is
  • Conviction! God has a way of bringing us out of our comfort zones and I felt so strongly that this was a challenge I am meant to do ... though it did take me a while to accept this!

I  hope you are able to join me in supporting a good cause. Every day 12 more children and young people hear the devastating news they have cancer. This charity helps famillies find the strength to face this, through hotels for parents when their child has long hospital stays, trips away for the whole family (which my family have experienced) and so much more! 

If you'd like to learn more about all the charity does - check out their website: 

But before you go, please conisder joining me in supporting a good cause. Whether you donate £1, £5, £50 or £100  you will be making a big impact. 

Young Lives vs Cancer

Raising for:

Young Lives vs Cancer


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

So you may ask, why on earth would someone who only just started running in June '23 , and just about finished Couch to 5K in October'23 sign up to run a marathon???

Well its simple...

  • Young Lives Vs Cancer is a charity dear to my heart, that supported my brother and the family when he was diagnosed with cancer at 14 years old!
  • After being on the sidelines and supporting my brother run not one, but two marathons - I feel its time to trade places and help raise money for this amazing charity 
  • I won't be running alone, but will be running with my mother, aunt, and family friend aka Tribe Sisters!  Group page is
  • Conviction! God has a way of bringing us out of our comfort zones and I felt so strongly that this was a challenge I am meant to do ... though it did take me a while to accept this!

I  hope you are able to join me in supporting a good cause. Every day 12 more children and young people hear the devastating news they have cancer. This charity helps famillies find the strength to face this, through hotels for parents when their child has long hospital stays, trips away for the whole family (which my family have experienced) and so much more! 

If you'd like to learn more about all the charity does - check out their website: 

But before you go, please conisder joining me in supporting a good cause. Whether you donate £1, £5, £50 or £100  you will be making a big impact. 

Deanne is fundraising towards