
Debra's page

Debra Morgan

Debra Morgan

My Story

I'm fundraising towards Whizz-Kidz' vital services for young wheelchair users. Please sponsor me and help Whizz Kidz  create opportunities for young wheelchair users to get the equipment, skills, and confidence to go further in life. It's unacceptable that young wheelchair users face so many obstacles in their lives. With your support, we can create a world where every young person can reach their full potential.

I have a very dear friend who's daughter depends on her wheelchair, fortunately her wonderful famil were able to raise the much needed funds to get her a chair.  She now a VERY independent young lady who enjoys life to the fullest and this is possible because she can independently get around and do things for herself. 

Please, Please give what you can to help.

Donating through JustGiving is easy, please click the link and donate whatever you can to help me reach my target.  Please spread the word by sharing my page far and wide, with your friends, friends, colleagues and as many people as you can reach.

Thankyou in advance for your support and generosity, it means a great deal! 


Raising for:



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I'm fundraising towards Whizz-Kidz' vital services for young wheelchair users. Please sponsor me and help Whizz Kidz  create opportunities for young wheelchair users to get the equipment, skills, and confidence to go further in life. It's unacceptable that young wheelchair users face so many obstacles in their lives. With your support, we can create a world where every young person can reach their full potential.

I have a very dear friend who's daughter depends on her wheelchair, fortunately her wonderful famil were able to raise the much needed funds to get her a chair.  She now a VERY independent young lady who enjoys life to the fullest and this is possible because she can independently get around and do things for herself. 

Please, Please give what you can to help.

Donating through JustGiving is easy, please click the link and donate whatever you can to help me reach my target.  Please spread the word by sharing my page far and wide, with your friends, friends, colleagues and as many people as you can reach.

Thankyou in advance for your support and generosity, it means a great deal!