Georgie is running the London marathon 2024 (no, really)

Georgie is running the London marathon 2024 (no, really)

Georgie is running the London marathon 2024 (no, really)

My Story

After years of cheering runners from the sidelines in sheer amazement that ANYONE could just simply run for 4+ hours, I am lacing up my trainers for my first marathon. 

Usually more likely to be found in a wine bar than a running track, my motivation on cold, dark morning training starts has been a big f*ck you to cancer. We can all agree that there's far too much of her around. 

I would be very grateful for your support in helping me raise £2,500 (or more!) for an importnt cause, CHORDOMA UK, and helping me cross my first finish line.

Chordoma is a rare, relentless and nasty form of bone cancer, and your donation will go directly towards much needed research into new therapies for it. Much of this research is being done on my doorstep at UCL Cancer Institute. Having seen first hand the life changing impact of the research that goes on there, I know what a difference your donations will make. 

Thank you for your support. 


Raising for:



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

After years of cheering runners from the sidelines in sheer amazement that ANYONE could just simply run for 4+ hours, I am lacing up my trainers for my first marathon. 

Usually more likely to be found in a wine bar than a running track, my motivation on cold, dark morning training starts has been a big f*ck you to cancer. We can all agree that there's far too much of her around. 

I would be very grateful for your support in helping me raise £2,500 (or more!) for an importnt cause, CHORDOMA UK, and helping me cross my first finish line.

Chordoma is a rare, relentless and nasty form of bone cancer, and your donation will go directly towards much needed research into new therapies for it. Much of this research is being done on my doorstep at UCL Cancer Institute. Having seen first hand the life changing impact of the research that goes on there, I know what a difference your donations will make. 

Thank you for your support.