Hannah Moran
My Story
I'm running London Marathon for Girlguiding on 21st April 2024!
Girlguiding is an incredible charity very close to my heart. I've been involved with them for around 25 years, first joining as a Rainbow and experiencing the incredible opportunities Guiding offers its young members through camps, international trips, weekly meetings and so much more. I've had the privilege to offer these opportunities to girls and young women as a volunteer leader, and have myself benefitted from training and development, and membership of a community of amazing women.
As well as leading my Guide unit in Fulham, I also sit on the Board of Trustees of Girlguiding UK. As a trustee, I help to shape the strategy and direction of the organisation, and have learnt so much about governance and leadership.
Our recent impact report found that girls who have been involved in Guiding are 23% more confident than their peers, which in a time when the mental health of girls and young women is suffering more than ever could not be more valuable.
This will be my first marathon, and the number of miles ahead is daunting, but I couldn't think of a charity I'd rather do this for. One of my proudest moments in Guiding was when one of my Guides told me 'you inspired me', and your sponsorship will help give more girls and volunteers those defining moments.
Thank you so much for your support!
Hannah x