Missing People

Jack's page

Jack Gammon

Jack Gammon

My Story

So! I have run a few marathons over the years,  but never asked for sponsorship of any kind. However, this one seems to be turning out a little different. 

I have a dear friend called Satvir, who ran London marathon last year in aid of the charity missing people. Satvir's brother is missing and the search continues. (I will expand on that story as we go along with her blessing)

I listened to Satvir's story over a coffee one morning and was hugely touched by her strength, resilience and commitment to support the charity which goes to great to lengths to do all they can to reunite families with their loved ones.

I can't guarantee I would show the same strength if I had a missing loved one. What I can do though is turn myself inside out for 26.2 miles in her name and that of missing people  and all the people I love and care for could pledge me the cost of a round of drinks and we'll see if we can get missing people some well deserved funding. 

We will be doing all kinds of charity bits and bobs, so look out for invites and self publicity! 

I've never done London marathon before and I am starting to think it's going to be really special. I am proud to be supporting missing people, and my friend Satvir.... now in the words of Sir Bob Geldof 'give me your money!' I've never asked before and might not again. 

Love to you all. 


Someone is reported missing every 90 seconds in the UK. Missing People offers a lifeline to the 170,000 people who go missing each year. For those left behind, we provide specialised support to ease the heartache and confusion, and help search for their missing loved ones.

In the time it takes you to read this, another person in the UK will reach a point of crisis. 

The cost of living means that more people are facing mental heath problems, exploitation, debt and food poverty. Children, so desperate to help make money for their families, are being exploited by gangs. Right now, no one is immune to these problems. 

Some people can’t see any escape. They go missing. They face harm.

Thankfully, in that moment of crisis there is hope. An exceptional team at Missing People are available, day and night. Without judgement. Reaching hundreds of missing adults and exploited children every week. Helping them to stay safe. Giving care and understanding to people on the brink of despair and suicide. 

But right now, 100 calls to our Helpline a month have to go unanswered. Today, with your help, we can answer those calls. Save lives. Help missing people find a way home. 

Our amazing team of runners are taking part in the London Marathon. They will be raising vital funds to ensure we can support more families affected by missing.

This is the impact your support can make:

Missing People

Raising for:

Missing People


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

So! I have run a few marathons over the years,  but never asked for sponsorship of any kind. However, this one seems to be turning out a little different. 

I have a dear friend called Satvir, who ran London marathon last year in aid of the charity missing people. Satvir's brother is missing and the search continues. (I will expand on that story as we go along with her blessing)

I listened to Satvir's story over a coffee one morning and was hugely touched by her strength, resilience and commitment to support the charity which goes to great to lengths to do all they can to reunite families with their loved ones.

I can't guarantee I would show the same strength if I had a missing loved one. What I can do though is turn myself inside out for 26.2 miles in her name and that of missing people  and all the people I love and care for could pledge me the cost of a round of drinks and we'll see if we can get missing people some well deserved funding. 

We will be doing all kinds of charity bits and bobs, so look out for invites and self publicity! 

I've never done London marathon before and I am starting to think it's going to be really special. I am proud to be supporting missing people, and my friend Satvir.... now in the words of Sir Bob Geldof 'give me your money!' I've never asked before and might not again. 

Love to you all. 


Someone is reported missing every 90 seconds in the UK. Missing People offers a lifeline to the 170,000 people who go missing each year. For those left behind, we provide specialised support to ease the heartache and confusion, and help search for their missing loved ones.

In the time it takes you to read this, another person in the UK will reach a point of crisis. 

The cost of living means that more people are facing mental heath problems, exploitation, debt and food poverty. Children, so desperate to help make money for their families, are being exploited by gangs. Right now, no one is immune to these problems. 

Some people can’t see any escape. They go missing. They face harm.

Thankfully, in that moment of crisis there is hope. An exceptional team at Missing People are available, day and night. Without judgement. Reaching hundreds of missing adults and exploited children every week. Helping them to stay safe. Giving care and understanding to people on the brink of despair and suicide. 

But right now, 100 calls to our Helpline a month have to go unanswered. Today, with your help, we can answer those calls. Save lives. Help missing people find a way home. 

Our amazing team of runners are taking part in the London Marathon. They will be raising vital funds to ensure we can support more families affected by missing.

This is the impact your support can make: