James Cotsen
My Story
I last ran the marathon in 2016 and I have been living off this story for the last 7 years. Since then I have got fatter and older (!) and get tired just doing my shoelaces. It's time to get fit and prepare my body and mind for this amazing challenge.
When ORT were looking for volunteers, I felt like I had to dust off the old trainers and give this a go to help them raise as much money as possible.
ORT is an incredible charity, transforming lives through education and training and I have been involved with them, this year by mentoring young adults to help them prepare for the next stage in their professional lives.
I am going to need all the support I can get to make it though this challenge, so please donate any amount and get ready to cheer me on to the finish line!
Check them out here... https://ortuk.org/