Jane's page

Jane Johnson

Jane Johnson

My Story

What better way to celebrate turning 50 than running a marathon 10 days later?! I love busting myths and nothing would make me happier than crossing that line as a 50-year old woman who thought she'd run her last marathon 14 years ago.

I've been extraordinarily lucky and there is nothing I need for myself on my birthday. What I do want is an end to child abuse and child neglect, and an end to any child living in fear of these things. So rather than birthday gifts, I'm asking you to please get behind this very worthwhile cause that the NSPCC works to fund.

In the UK in 2024, the NSPCC receives a call from a child in need every 45 seconds. And in the average primary school class, at least 2 children have suffered abuse or neglect.

90% of their work is funded by donations. So yours will go directly to supporting their work running phonelines, in schools, and in the community, to end child abuse. 

There is honestly nothing that keeps me training through the dark, cold winter months like knowing you have put your hard-earned money on a belief that I can do this  

If everyone who visits this page from the Careering into Motherhood community and my network, donates £1, then we'll smash this target. Let's hope I can smash the distance too! 

Thank you so much for your kind support. 


Raising for:



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

What better way to celebrate turning 50 than running a marathon 10 days later?! I love busting myths and nothing would make me happier than crossing that line as a 50-year old woman who thought she'd run her last marathon 14 years ago.

I've been extraordinarily lucky and there is nothing I need for myself on my birthday. What I do want is an end to child abuse and child neglect, and an end to any child living in fear of these things. So rather than birthday gifts, I'm asking you to please get behind this very worthwhile cause that the NSPCC works to fund.

In the UK in 2024, the NSPCC receives a call from a child in need every 45 seconds. And in the average primary school class, at least 2 children have suffered abuse or neglect.

90% of their work is funded by donations. So yours will go directly to supporting their work running phonelines, in schools, and in the community, to end child abuse. 

There is honestly nothing that keeps me training through the dark, cold winter months like knowing you have put your hard-earned money on a belief that I can do this  

If everyone who visits this page from the Careering into Motherhood community and my network, donates £1, then we'll smash this target. Let's hope I can smash the distance too! 

Thank you so much for your kind support.