Joseph's page

Joseph Falconer

Joseph Falconer

My Story

Welcome to my fundraising page for the London Marathon 2024!!

Bit about myself to get started. I am Joe a PhD student from Newcastle currently investigating the role of oral health in the development of disease at King's College London. Through this I have been able to meet some great people including the brilliant team at Chordoma UK. Extremely luckily they have chosen myself to run for them at the next London Marathon!

And now the part where I tell you about the excellent charity I am running for!

Chordoma is a rare malignant bone tumour that forms in the spine or at the base of the skull. From there the tumour can, in some cases, spread to other organs including lungs, liver and skin. Current research is ongoing to try and find different treatments, however, it is hard to treat as the tumour invades nearby nervous system tissue. 

Chordoma UK aims to drive this research forward, supporting ground-breaking initiatives at the UCL cancer institute and other institues across the UK. One of the emerging fields in cancer is targeted gene therapy which will hopefully be able to target specific molecules that maybe overexpressed in cancer cells.

As well as being involved in research Chordoma UK's goal is to raise awareness of the disease to UK clinician and patient communities to hopefully decrease diagnosis waiting time.

So please if you have any money to give please help this great charity make a difference for patients and families of those affected.


Raising for:



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Welcome to my fundraising page for the London Marathon 2024!!

Bit about myself to get started. I am Joe a PhD student from Newcastle currently investigating the role of oral health in the development of disease at King's College London. Through this I have been able to meet some great people including the brilliant team at Chordoma UK. Extremely luckily they have chosen myself to run for them at the next London Marathon!

And now the part where I tell you about the excellent charity I am running for!

Chordoma is a rare malignant bone tumour that forms in the spine or at the base of the skull. From there the tumour can, in some cases, spread to other organs including lungs, liver and skin. Current research is ongoing to try and find different treatments, however, it is hard to treat as the tumour invades nearby nervous system tissue. 

Chordoma UK aims to drive this research forward, supporting ground-breaking initiatives at the UCL cancer institute and other institues across the UK. One of the emerging fields in cancer is targeted gene therapy which will hopefully be able to target specific molecules that maybe overexpressed in cancer cells.

As well as being involved in research Chordoma UK's goal is to raise awareness of the disease to UK clinician and patient communities to hopefully decrease diagnosis waiting time.

So please if you have any money to give please help this great charity make a difference for patients and families of those affected.