Macmillan Cancer Support

Lisa's page

Lisa Turner

Lisa Turner

My Story

In 2022 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After a journey of a full right mastectomy and lymph node removal, radiotherapy, hormone treatment and supportive therapy.  In March 2023 I received my first annual all clear. It’s been a journey and I have been fortunate to have a good employer, great family and friend support around me and a brilliant health team, but I know this is not the case for everyone. I want to help raise funds to assist future cancer patients. I never ever thought I would be a 1 in 2 statistic and I would like to ensure that others can access the treatment and support they need and ensure early diagnosis for improved survival rates. I have also wanted to do the London marathon over the past 11 years. I have been unable to secure a ballot place historically but there is nothing like a bit of cancer to kick your arse to do the things you have always wanted to do. I will also be 50 in March 2024 and feel this would be an amazing way to celebrate my birthday and kicking cancers arse (for now anyway!). I am really happy I have managed to secure a charity place with team MacMillan .  Please help me raise much needed funds to help everyone's future. 



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

In 2022 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After a journey of a full right mastectomy and lymph node removal, radiotherapy, hormone treatment and supportive therapy.  In March 2023 I received my first annual all clear. It’s been a journey and I have been fortunate to have a good employer, great family and friend support around me and a brilliant health team, but I know this is not the case for everyone. I want to help raise funds to assist future cancer patients. I never ever thought I would be a 1 in 2 statistic and I would like to ensure that others can access the treatment and support they need and ensure early diagnosis for improved survival rates. I have also wanted to do the London marathon over the past 11 years. I have been unable to secure a ballot place historically but there is nothing like a bit of cancer to kick your arse to do the things you have always wanted to do. I will also be 50 in March 2024 and feel this would be an amazing way to celebrate my birthday and kicking cancers arse (for now anyway!). I am really happy I have managed to secure a charity place with team MacMillan .  Please help me raise much needed funds to help everyone's future.