Children with Cancer UK

Mark's page

Mark Wright

Mark Wright

My Story

I've reached my 61st year.  And I am grateful for every one of those years.  However, it's been truly sad over the last few of those to have lost many friends and family to cancer, and to have many more diagnosed and fighting against it and positively putting it behind them.   

It was not my intent to run the Marathon but, after watching 'Stand up to Cancer' on TV with film of young children battling the disease, I found it heart breaking.  An opportunity arose for me to enter the London Marathon and donate to 'Children with Cancer'.    That was back in January.    Now, having had wonderful encouragement from my wife and family, I'll very shortly be running in London with tens of thousands of beautiful inspiring people.

If you have a spare pound, please feel free to donate to this wonderful charity which provides much needed support to the children.  It also does invaluable research in how to prevent this terrible disease and how to cure those sadly afflicted.   

For those of us who have been blessed with a good life, it is a joy and privilege to give back and spread love and hope to the next generation.

Thank you,  Mark.



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  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I've reached my 61st year.  And I am grateful for every one of those years.  However, it's been truly sad over the last few of those to have lost many friends and family to cancer, and to have many more diagnosed and fighting against it and positively putting it behind them.   

It was not my intent to run the Marathon but, after watching 'Stand up to Cancer' on TV with film of young children battling the disease, I found it heart breaking.  An opportunity arose for me to enter the London Marathon and donate to 'Children with Cancer'.    That was back in January.    Now, having had wonderful encouragement from my wife and family, I'll very shortly be running in London with tens of thousands of beautiful inspiring people.

If you have a spare pound, please feel free to donate to this wonderful charity which provides much needed support to the children.  It also does invaluable research in how to prevent this terrible disease and how to cure those sadly afflicted.   

For those of us who have been blessed with a good life, it is a joy and privilege to give back and spread love and hope to the next generation.

Thank you,  Mark.