Childhood First

Matin's page

Matin Mesghali

Matin Mesghali

My Story

Hi there,

Thanks for taking the time to click through links and come to my page.

It's simple really, I would like to help under privileged children. To achieve this I will be completing the London Marathon.

Your donation will go towards Childhood first, who help severely traumatised children. They provide specialist 24/7 treatment and therapeutic education for children with complex psychological, emotional and behavioural needs. 

As a parent to be, the thought of children struggling hits home a little more than usual, so any donation would be massively appreciated. 



Childhood First

Raising for:

Childhood First


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Hi there,

Thanks for taking the time to click through links and come to my page.

It's simple really, I would like to help under privileged children. To achieve this I will be completing the London Marathon.

Your donation will go towards Childhood first, who help severely traumatised children. They provide specialist 24/7 treatment and therapeutic education for children with complex psychological, emotional and behavioural needs. 

As a parent to be, the thought of children struggling hits home a little more than usual, so any donation would be massively appreciated. 

