Mayfield & Five Ashes Community Services

Matthew's page

Matthew Holland

Matthew Holland

My Story

When I told my family I'd got a place to run the London Marathon, my mum was probably the most surprised. She explicitly mentioned that I'd never even expressed interest in walking anywhere, let alone running. It was met with many variations of "why have you done that?" and "that's going to be a lot of effort". I'd played sport, yes, but the hard work and consistency required to complete a marathon is a whole different ball game. It's a personal challenge of course - something to tick off the bucket list, and to prove to myself that I can do it. But a marathon is not just a personal achievement. It's also a chance to raise money for great causes. It was an easy choice for me - why not choose something that I know inside out, and with which my mum is closely associated. What better way to prove to myself I can do it.

Mayfield and Five Ashes Community Services (MAYFACS) is a small, local charity in the village where I grew up. They provide essential services for the elderly and isolated in the village, organising trips out, weekly activities, or just providing a space for a cup of tea or a chat. Throughout the Covid lockdowns they provided key support for those most in need, and have become a popular centrepiece of the village. My mum was the very first project manager of MAYFACS, getting it up and running smoothly in 2016 and introducing many of the key services they still offer. Having done all that hard work, she is now enjoying her well-earned retirement by going on all the trips and activities she helped to set up. I'm starting to think the entire thing was a clever ploy so she would have things to do when she retired. Sly move mum, well done.

Like all charities, MAYFACS relies in part on donations from the generous public. This enables them to carry on providing their vital services to the village, encouraging socialisation for those in need and offering vital help for the most vulnerable in the community. You can read more about their services here:

I am therefore asking you to donate to a fantastic cause close to myself and my family. Any money that you are willing to give is most welcome, whether it's £1, £10, or more. It will help honour the years of effort that my mum, and the rest of the staff and volunteers of MAYFACS, have put in to making this charity a force for good in our little community.

(And also my effort, because running a marathon is hard work y'know)



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

When I told my family I'd got a place to run the London Marathon, my mum was probably the most surprised. She explicitly mentioned that I'd never even expressed interest in walking anywhere, let alone running. It was met with many variations of "why have you done that?" and "that's going to be a lot of effort". I'd played sport, yes, but the hard work and consistency required to complete a marathon is a whole different ball game. It's a personal challenge of course - something to tick off the bucket list, and to prove to myself that I can do it. But a marathon is not just a personal achievement. It's also a chance to raise money for great causes. It was an easy choice for me - why not choose something that I know inside out, and with which my mum is closely associated. What better way to prove to myself I can do it.

Mayfield and Five Ashes Community Services (MAYFACS) is a small, local charity in the village where I grew up. They provide essential services for the elderly and isolated in the village, organising trips out, weekly activities, or just providing a space for a cup of tea or a chat. Throughout the Covid lockdowns they provided key support for those most in need, and have become a popular centrepiece of the village. My mum was the very first project manager of MAYFACS, getting it up and running smoothly in 2016 and introducing many of the key services they still offer. Having done all that hard work, she is now enjoying her well-earned retirement by going on all the trips and activities she helped to set up. I'm starting to think the entire thing was a clever ploy so she would have things to do when she retired. Sly move mum, well done.

Like all charities, MAYFACS relies in part on donations from the generous public. This enables them to carry on providing their vital services to the village, encouraging socialisation for those in need and offering vital help for the most vulnerable in the community. You can read more about their services here:

I am therefore asking you to donate to a fantastic cause close to myself and my family. Any money that you are willing to give is most welcome, whether it's £1, £10, or more. It will help honour the years of effort that my mum, and the rest of the staff and volunteers of MAYFACS, have put in to making this charity a force for good in our little community.

(And also my effort, because running a marathon is hard work y'know)