Matthew McLoughlin
My Story
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my story.
I'm running the London marathon for JDRF (a type 1 Diabetes charity for children) in memory of my amazing and beautiful friend Lucy.
I met Lucy when we were both 16 and we quickly became the best of friends. She was like no one I had ever met. She was direct, funny, kind, feisty and the kind of person who would make friends with anyone wherever she went. The kind of person who would give her last tenner to a stranger - which she often did despite being skint herself!
Lucy was diagnosed with T1 Diabetes in her teens and decided that this was not going to hold her back from living her life and experiencing all that she could. She continued smashing life, charming anyone she met, going on holidays and went onto University to study to become a teacher.
Unfortunately, whilst studying, Lucy started to become ill more and more often. This would lead to her being hospitalised on a regular basis with doctors not sure what exactly was going on. Eventually, Lucy was diagnosed with a condition called Gastroparesis, which affects the stomach's ability to empty food and absorb nutrition.
Lucy struggled to get her diabetes under control and due to her conditions affecting her hair, teeth and ability to live an independant life, began to lose all confidence and the sparkle that we all loved about her. She had to leave uni, was unable to work and often ended up spending days in bed. This vibrant, funny, bright and loveable young woman was now absolutely miserable and feeling completely hopeless.
We eventually became hopeful when Lucy received some funding for a gastric pacemaker and underwent surgery to have this fitted. We all thought she was about to get her life back on track in some form!
Unfortunately, on 15th April 2014 at the age of 24, Lucy passed away after suffering with a Cardiac Arrhythmia whilst at home and left us all completely broken and devastated. To this day Lucy is missed by so many people.
As I mentioned, Lucy was studying to become a teacher, which is a big reason for me choosing to raise money for JDRF. She loved children so much and I know she would never want a child to have the same journey as her with T1 diabetes.
I will be running the Marathon 1 week after Lucy's 10 year anniversary and it's safe to say that I am terrified. However, the thought of Lucy will keep me heading towards that finish line!
Thank you so much for reading my story and I will be so grateful for any donations for this wonderful charity. One day, we will find a cure! X