Patricia Lydon
My Story
Like most people I have always watched "The London Marathon" and gone down a few times to support friends and family who have taken part over the years. This year I wanted to run for a charity that is close to my heart. Some of you may know that my partner Phil passed away in 2022 while being in the ITU for 3 months at The Whittington Hospital. The doctors and nurses were so amazing and supportive in look after him while he was sick, I can't thank them enough.
This is going to be a big challenge for me as I have never run. Over the last few months, I have started to run but my main aim is to raise money for a good charity and get to the finish line. I will be giving updates on my progress each week from the 1st February. From how far I'm running each week to moan about at how cold it is outside. Hopefully, you can support me or come down on the day to cheer me on.
About the Whittington Hospital Charity:
Whittington Health NHS Trust serves around 5000,000 people across North London, from its hospital and community sites. The Trust's main aim is to deliver the right care, at the right time, and in the right place. A wide range of services are provided from the hospital, including the ITU ward, which is where patients with emergency conditions are cared for by amazing doctors and nurses. Staff in ITU work tirelessly to provide around the clock care to the sickest and most unstable patients. These patients can stay in ITU for days, weeks or even months, and it's not uncommon for patients to find the experience traumatic.
Whittington Health Charity is dedicated charity for Whittington Health Trust. The Charity raises funds to improve patient care, through new equipment, new facilities, training, research and improved staff wellbeing. The Charity has delivered improvements to the care of patients in ITU by providing items such as noise reduction equipment, toiletries and eye masks for patients. They have also refurbished the patient and relatives room to make it more comfortable for loved ones. The Charity is also funding well-being support for staff to ensure they are well equipped to deliver the best care to patients.