Young Lives vs Cancer

Young Lives vs Cancer - TCS 2024 London Marathon

Phil & James Wilkinson

Phil & James Wilkinson

My Story

Hi, there. Many, many thanks for visiting our fundraising web page. It was last summer when, completely out of the blue, James pointed out that he could potentially have a go at the 2024 London Marathon, as he was shortly to turn 18. He went on to suggest that he take part with his dear old Dad and so, 25 years since Phil's first plod around the capital in 1999, we found ourselves preparing for James's first and (probably) Phil's last 26 and-a-bit mile challenge.


As many of you will know, we lost our dear cousin and nephew Joshua to bone cancer in 2017, two months short of his 13th birthday. Since then, inspired by Josh, our family have organised and been involved with various fundraising initiatives to help several charities who provided help and support to Josh and his immediate family during the course of his illness. One such charity is Young Lives vs Cancer (formerly CLIC Sargent), and we've been doing our utmost to raise as much money as possible for their fabulous work as we prepared for our 'Jog for Josh 2024' on 21st April.


As we said, this was James's first ever attempt at anything like this and it was Phil's first marathon in six years, and we had a really challenging fundraising target, but were determined to get there. So, we're really grateful to everyone visiting this page - any donations are hugely appreciated as we try to help those who helped Josh.


Obviously, the marathon has happened now, and I'm pleased to say we did manage to complete it together (see update below for a few further details on that) and had an incredible day. We also managed to get to our fundraising target, which is the main thing. However, it's not too late to make a donation if you would still like to.


Our most sincere thanks to everyone who supported us along the way - I know Young Lives vs Cancer would also like us to pass on their thanks too. And so would Josh....


Thanks again.


James & Phil.

Young Lives vs Cancer

Raising for:

Young Lives vs Cancer


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Hi, there. Many, many thanks for visiting our fundraising web page. It was last summer when, completely out of the blue, James pointed out that he could potentially have a go at the 2024 London Marathon, as he was shortly to turn 18. He went on to suggest that he take part with his dear old Dad and so, 25 years since Phil's first plod around the capital in 1999, we found ourselves preparing for James's first and (probably) Phil's last 26 and-a-bit mile challenge.


As many of you will know, we lost our dear cousin and nephew Joshua to bone cancer in 2017, two months short of his 13th birthday. Since then, inspired by Josh, our family have organised and been involved with various fundraising initiatives to help several charities who provided help and support to Josh and his immediate family during the course of his illness. One such charity is Young Lives vs Cancer (formerly CLIC Sargent), and we've been doing our utmost to raise as much money as possible for their fabulous work as we prepared for our 'Jog for Josh 2024' on 21st April.


As we said, this was James's first ever attempt at anything like this and it was Phil's first marathon in six years, and we had a really challenging fundraising target, but were determined to get there. So, we're really grateful to everyone visiting this page - any donations are hugely appreciated as we try to help those who helped Josh.


Obviously, the marathon has happened now, and I'm pleased to say we did manage to complete it together (see update below for a few further details on that) and had an incredible day. We also managed to get to our fundraising target, which is the main thing. However, it's not too late to make a donation if you would still like to.


Our most sincere thanks to everyone who supported us along the way - I know Young Lives vs Cancer would also like us to pass on their thanks too. And so would Josh....


Thanks again.


James & Phil.

Phil & James Wilkinson is fundraising towards