Look National Federation Of Families With Visually Impaired Children

Ruth's page

Ruth Storey

Ruth Storey

My Story

I am running the London Marathon to raise money for LOOK UK. Raising funds for LOOK and building on LOOK's capacity to deliver its services is a cause I am passionate about.

I am now in my 6th year of working for LOOK UK. It is a job, a community and a family that is bursting with LOVE. Every day at work I am listening to people who are facing challenges, questions and uncertainty due to varying barriers they come across as a person with visual impairment needs. LOOK UK provides a Peer Mentor project, to connect young people up with older peer mentors who GET IT, they have been the young person in the classroom dealing with inaccessible work or felt isolated from their peers. The peer mentors can support young people through being trust worthy, authentic and a focus of hope and ambition. We need to do more. Our services have a waiting list. 

I am proud that the project has grown so fantastically over the years I have been a part of the LOOK UK team. However I am not proud of the fact that growing numbers of young people need us and that the challenges being faced remain the same. The causes of isolation faced by young people with Visual Impairment needs are not reducing. LOOK UK is a small charity with big ideas. We want to conitnue to provide tangible support for young people to grow in their self knowlesge, their self worth and their skill set. We also want to grow how we can enhance the future for young people with visual impairments. We need to fundraise to maintain and develop all we do.

Every day I hear challenges and sadness but every day I work with people who have courage, who make me laugh and who are creative and find innovative ways to deal with barriers and support others. We need to make these positives grow.

I cannot quite believe that I am going to run this marathon. I have been a slow runner for many years, a hobbyist trying to counter balance the LOOK UK team's love of cake with a bit of exercice. But I turned 40 this year and things have got real, so I am doing it! My own eyesight is 'squiffy', I am not registered with a certification of visual impairment but I am never going to be able to drive and there are things my vision cannot do. However I remember my amazing high school PE teacher being thrilled for me when I got into rowing (growing up by the river has its advantages). "Excellent Ruth, a sport you don't need to throw and catch in but one you can channel your energy and aggression into." I loved having a PE teacher that was seeking ways for the kids who couldn't see a ball to get on board with exercise. I began cross country running with her guidance and am returning to it again.

Running has been an amazing release for my mental energy as well. After a busy day with LOOK I love to get out into the Herefordshire country side and mentally put the world to rights as I meander around my local 'loop', the 'aggressive' need to do more finding an outlet. I really hope that doing this marathon for LOOK can be a strength to our resources and the team's mental and physical health. X



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I am running the London Marathon to raise money for LOOK UK. Raising funds for LOOK and building on LOOK's capacity to deliver its services is a cause I am passionate about.

I am now in my 6th year of working for LOOK UK. It is a job, a community and a family that is bursting with LOVE. Every day at work I am listening to people who are facing challenges, questions and uncertainty due to varying barriers they come across as a person with visual impairment needs. LOOK UK provides a Peer Mentor project, to connect young people up with older peer mentors who GET IT, they have been the young person in the classroom dealing with inaccessible work or felt isolated from their peers. The peer mentors can support young people through being trust worthy, authentic and a focus of hope and ambition. We need to do more. Our services have a waiting list. 

I am proud that the project has grown so fantastically over the years I have been a part of the LOOK UK team. However I am not proud of the fact that growing numbers of young people need us and that the challenges being faced remain the same. The causes of isolation faced by young people with Visual Impairment needs are not reducing. LOOK UK is a small charity with big ideas. We want to conitnue to provide tangible support for young people to grow in their self knowlesge, their self worth and their skill set. We also want to grow how we can enhance the future for young people with visual impairments. We need to fundraise to maintain and develop all we do.

Every day I hear challenges and sadness but every day I work with people who have courage, who make me laugh and who are creative and find innovative ways to deal with barriers and support others. We need to make these positives grow.

I cannot quite believe that I am going to run this marathon. I have been a slow runner for many years, a hobbyist trying to counter balance the LOOK UK team's love of cake with a bit of exercice. But I turned 40 this year and things have got real, so I am doing it! My own eyesight is 'squiffy', I am not registered with a certification of visual impairment but I am never going to be able to drive and there are things my vision cannot do. However I remember my amazing high school PE teacher being thrilled for me when I got into rowing (growing up by the river has its advantages). "Excellent Ruth, a sport you don't need to throw and catch in but one you can channel your energy and aggression into." I loved having a PE teacher that was seeking ways for the kids who couldn't see a ball to get on board with exercise. I began cross country running with her guidance and am returning to it again.

Running has been an amazing release for my mental energy as well. After a busy day with LOOK I love to get out into the Herefordshire country side and mentally put the world to rights as I meander around my local 'loop', the 'aggressive' need to do more finding an outlet. I really hope that doing this marathon for LOOK can be a strength to our resources and the team's mental and physical health. X