Kidney Research UK

Spenny runs London 2024

Spenny runs London

Spenny runs London

My Story

Myself and Dave have been friends for 25 years and are practically brothers from other mothers. 

In 2011 unbeknown to Dave I put myself forward for donation of my kidney by contacting his transplant nurse at St Hellier hospital. I simply had a few tests to determine if I'd be a suitable match for Dave to have my kidney.

whilst having a coffee with him in his office one day I received a call from the transplant team saying that I in fact would be a suitable match for donation.

We both then underwent various test over the next 16 months and finally had our operation on November 27th 2013. The operation was a total success which has allowed Dave to go on to have a full and healthy life since and we are about to celebrate our 10th kidneyversary this coming November.

Recently I agreed to run again on April 21st 2024 so again I’ll be pounding the streets of London covering the 26.2 miles to raise money for Kidney Research UK.

I’d  like to thank you all in advance for your help and support for your donations for this charity which is very close to both our hearts.

Thanks to every single person who donates from

 Spence 🙏🏻💜

Kidney Research UK

Raising for:

Kidney Research UK


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Myself and Dave have been friends for 25 years and are practically brothers from other mothers. 

In 2011 unbeknown to Dave I put myself forward for donation of my kidney by contacting his transplant nurse at St Hellier hospital. I simply had a few tests to determine if I'd be a suitable match for Dave to have my kidney.

whilst having a coffee with him in his office one day I received a call from the transplant team saying that I in fact would be a suitable match for donation.

We both then underwent various test over the next 16 months and finally had our operation on November 27th 2013. The operation was a total success which has allowed Dave to go on to have a full and healthy life since and we are about to celebrate our 10th kidneyversary this coming November.

Recently I agreed to run again on April 21st 2024 so again I’ll be pounding the streets of London covering the 26.2 miles to raise money for Kidney Research UK.

I’d  like to thank you all in advance for your help and support for your donations for this charity which is very close to both our hearts.

Thanks to every single person who donates from

 Spence 🙏🏻💜

Spenny runs London is fundraising towards