St Elizabeth Hospice

Stuart's page

Stuart Durham

Stuart Durham

My Story

My story is long as most people are, but in short, my dad passed away in Oct 2018, the hospice were amazing, and need all the help they can get when it comes to funding. 

We rasied £1,200 last year, and would love to come close to that again!

I started running as an escape when dad became ill and ive run ever since! its taken me 9 years to get into the Marathon and will aim to get round before i pass out haha

St Elizabeth Hospice

Raising for:

St Elizabeth Hospice


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

My story is long as most people are, but in short, my dad passed away in Oct 2018, the hospice were amazing, and need all the help they can get when it comes to funding. 

We rasied £1,200 last year, and would love to come close to that again!

I started running as an escape when dad became ill and ive run ever since! its taken me 9 years to get into the Marathon and will aim to get round before i pass out haha