Yasmin Matthews
My Story
Seeing 1st hand how important their work is, I'm delighted to be running for FLEET. A charity linked with my career as a Tri Service Safety Officer; a collaborative role between Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service, Devon and Cornwall Police and South Western Ambulance Service Trust.
Please find more info about FLEET below:
In Cornwall there is little that the emergency crews can do about the time it takes to get to Padstow, St Mawes or a distressed ship in the Atlantic, however, thanks to the work of FLEET and the kind donations received from the people of Cornwall and beyond, they carry the best possible means of stabilising and saving lives.
FLEET is a registered charity that was formed by Cornish Ambulance Staff in 1990 with the aim of upgrading and standardising the equipment carried on all of Cornwall’s Ambulances. With generous help from the Cornish people, businesses and organisations FLEET has raised over £1,000,000 since 1990, all of which has been put into providing vital equipment that helps save lives across the county.
Since its’ inception the aim of FLEET has widened and the charity now provides equipment to all the services that give emergency medical support to the public. FLEET equipment is in constant use on:
- All the county’s emergency ambulances
- Emergency response motorbikes and cars
- Royal Naval Search and Rescue helicopters based at RNAS Culdrouse
- Cornwall Fire & rescue service
- Cornish HM Coastguard teams
- Cornish RNLI Lifeboats
- Cornwall’s Air Ambulance
More recently FLEET, with the British Heart Foundation, has been instrumental in the creation and equipping of First Responders who are members of the public trained to provide critical life saving treatment including defibrillation in their local area. This has helped to cut emergency response times by 3% and ultimately save lives.
The furthest I've ever run was 10km so completing a marathon (42.2km!!) is going to be a real challenge for me!
Thank you for looking through my page, any donations are hugely appreciated ☺️