St John Ambulance

Zoe's Marathon journey

Zoe Palmer

Zoe Palmer

My Story

Growing up, always in competition with my brother, made me challenge myself. Shortly after he did his first marathon, it was also added to my own bucket list. I never expected the chance to be in the London Marathon. I have  been given this opportunity by St John's Ambulance. By entering though a charity place, means I get to represent, raise and train with other members, also running for the same  charity.

My target is to fundraise is £2,000. With the money I raise, through your donations- it could go towards:  training for first aid volunteers, equipment handout, more hands-on education for schools and other of St John's Ambulance services.

Although personally I’ve been lucky enough to never have needed their services, I know both friends and family who have been treated by their volunteers at sports events. In school we often had lessons from St John's Ambulance in First Aid. To this day I still feel equipped to deal minor injuries and immediate first aid.

Any donations (or shares) to get to my goal, would be greatly appreciated by me, St John's Ambulance and all they help.

For those interested, I will post training updates and behind the seances of my marathon preparations.

Thank you to anyone who is able to make a donation to this worthwhile cause.


St John Ambulance

Raising for:

St John Ambulance


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Growing up, always in competition with my brother, made me challenge myself. Shortly after he did his first marathon, it was also added to my own bucket list. I never expected the chance to be in the London Marathon. I have  been given this opportunity by St John's Ambulance. By entering though a charity place, means I get to represent, raise and train with other members, also running for the same  charity.

My target is to fundraise is £2,000. With the money I raise, through your donations- it could go towards:  training for first aid volunteers, equipment handout, more hands-on education for schools and other of St John's Ambulance services.

Although personally I’ve been lucky enough to never have needed their services, I know both friends and family who have been treated by their volunteers at sports events. In school we often had lessons from St John's Ambulance in First Aid. To this day I still feel equipped to deal minor injuries and immediate first aid.

Any donations (or shares) to get to my goal, would be greatly appreciated by me, St John's Ambulance and all they help.

For those interested, I will post training updates and behind the seances of my marathon preparations.

Thank you to anyone who is able to make a donation to this worthwhile cause.